Calimera Hotels

Every Calimera holiday is a unique experience for the whole family

Does your head say club holiday? Your heart says: Calimera

Our philosophy

A day by the sea - memories for life

At Calimera, we know that everyone has their own personal expectations of a holiday. There is only one thing that everyone wants equally: to relax and switch off! For some, this means lying in the sun all day on the beach or by the pool. For others, a day full of sport and activities is just the thing to clear their heads. However you imagine your dream holiday, we will do everything we can to make it happen! 

If you share the joy on holiday, you get three times the fun.

The best moments in life are the ones you share. And it's the same on holiday. That's why, as a holidaymaker who appreciates conviviality, you've come to the right place at Calimera. Because warmth and conviviality have been top priorities at Calimera from day one. Whether it's sports, entertainment games, a leisurely splash in the pool, at the hotel bar or even at the buffet - enjoy moments together with your family, friends or completely new holiday acquaintances.

One holiday - a thousand possibilities

Enjoy every day of your holiday the way you want to! Calimera offers you a wide range of sports and entertainment activities. Our professional, German-speaking entertainers always have ideas to make your holiday even more exciting - 6 days a week, from morning until late in the evening!

Whether alone, as a couple or with the family: Calimera offers just the right mix of sport and entertainment. From activities such as aerobics, body ball, tennis or archery to sports courses organised by experts such as Nordic walking and "Crossboccia®" or "5 Takte Landessprache" - variety is guaranteed. Not forgetting our exciting evening show programme and disco, which make for fun and unforgettable evenings.

Get to know people of different nationalities in a relaxed atmosphere, make new friends or treat yourself to a few quiet hours and let your mind wander. At Calimera you have complete freedom and decide for yourself how much of the wide range of activities you want to enjoy. True to the motto "One holiday - a thousand possibilities".

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Extra holidays at no extra cost

With "All inclusive à la Calimera", not only are unforgettable holiday memories included, but also much more. Your holiday budget is spared and you don't have to do without anything. For example, enjoy numerous delicacies in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening at our international buffets, where some dishes are even freshly prepared in front of your eyes. Special themed buffets offer great variety and are just as included as cool drinks, snacks for in between meals and coffee and cake. Thanks to our late riser breakfast and midnight snacks, you are not tied to fixed meal times and are always flexible.

Sports and entertainment are also all-inclusive! Look forward to our professional entertainers, who offer you fun and entertainment 6 days a week, from morning until late in the evening. In addition to various sports programmes, special events and courses such as "Nordic Walking" or "Swing & Dance à la Calimera" are also on the agenda. After sunset, you can enjoy our evening show programme in a relaxed atmosphere.

And there's plenty on offer for our younger guests too. They will spend an unforgettable holiday in the child-friendly "Calimigo Kids Club". This means loving childcare for all children between the ages of 3 and 12 in age-appropriate groups - 6 days a week. Plenty of time to take advantage of exciting activities such as "Calimigo Party" or "Calimigo Soccer Camp" and experience a holiday together with other children that will make parents' and children's hearts beat faster.

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Quality à la Calimera

At Calimera, we attach particular importance to quality. That is why we have a comprehensive system for analysing quality in detail, which we use daily in all our hotels. This enables us to take quick and effective measures to ensure and improve quality if necessary. To do this, we use special monitoring systems that we develop and control from Germany and apply to the facilities. For example, we continuously monitor the development of guest satisfaction so that we can react quickly if things are not running to the full satisfaction of our guests. In addition to the various measures that we take in such cases from Germany, we have a permanent team of employees who are on the road in the facilities all year round. Their task is to train employees on site and provide them with assistance - from the kitchen staff to the restaurant team and the entertainment crew. Through all these measures, we can quickly and easily remedy the situation on site so that the service and performance in the hotel are as you would expect.

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Unsere Kooperationspartner


Jako sees itself as a specialist for team sports equipment, which is why the company chose "We are Team" as its brand claim in 2015. After a modest collection in the early years, Jako now offers more than 300 items and more than 30,000 possible variants of sportswear.

Learn more about Jako


LES MILLS is passionately committed to a fitter world. LES MILLS manages to inspire and motivate millions of people every day to successfully achieve their goals. But it is more than that: LES MILLS is a global movement with its own voice, history and culture.

Learn more about LES MILLS

Schwimmschule Tigerente

The Tigerente swimming school offers a sports science-based, modular course structure that enables children from the age of 4 to learn in a very short space of time. And all in a playful way - without any pressure to perform! Thanks to play-based lessons in small groups (max. 4 participants), the focus is on having fun in the water. 

Organised by: Flipper Swimming School

Learn more about "Schwimmschule Flipper"


Precor is one of the world's leading suppliers of fitness equipment.  Each of our fitness machines combines the necessary reliability, user-friendliness and solid construction with a smooth, fluid and precise movement sequence.

Learn more about "Precor"

Bavaria Sonor

Bavaria Sonor Licensing, a division of Bavaria Media, is one of the most renowned licensing agencies in Germany with more than 30 years of market experience. Licensing developed into a second pillar of the then Bavaria Sonor Musikverlag GmbH along the music programme "Formel Eins". 

Learn more about "Bavaria Sonor"

Schmidt Spiele

The success story began with the birth of the classic "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht® " game. With its wide range of products in the children's, family and adult games, puzzles and plush toys, Schmidt Spiele® grew to become one of the most important German games publishers. In 1997, the publisher was taken over by the Berlin-based Blatz Group - now GOOD TIME HOLDING. The Schmidt logo thus stands for one of the oldest trademarks on the German toy market.

Learn more about "Schmidt Spiele"


Beluga Spielwaren

Beluga Spielwaren GmbH ist seit 1986 erfolgreich im deutschsprachigen Raum tätig. Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern aus dem In- und Ausland versuchen sie sich stetig zu verbessern und ihren Kunden ein interessantes und umsatzstarkes Produktportfolio zu bieten. Alle Produkte werden nach den neuesten europäischen Richtlinien und Sozialstandards gefertigt.

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FISCHER Meyers Kinderbücher zählen zu den S. Fischer Verlagen, eines der großen Qualitätsverlagshäuser Deutschlands. ›Meyers Kleine Kinderbibliothek‹  zum Beispiel ist für den Wissensdurst der kleinen Entdecker konzipiert und behandelt alle Lieblingsthemen der Kinder ab drei Jahren mit anschaulichen Illustrationen.

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Duden Kinderbücher

Seit über 30 Jahren erscheinen Duden Kinderbücher und vermitteln mit Fantasie und Originalität Wissen und Sprachkompetenz. Auf Bücher der Marke Duden kann man sich verlassen. Seit 2013 sind die Duden Kinderbücher Teil der S. Fischer Verlage in Frankfurt am Main.

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Kölner Ballschule

Die Ballschule ist eine Institution, in der Kinder zwischen 3 und 12 Jahren das ABC des Spielens erwerben können. Die Ballschule gewährleistet eine professionelle, entwicklungsgerechte Anfängerausbildung in den Ball-Sportspielen (Kindergarten, Schule, Sportverein), ermöglicht „mehr Bewegung für mehr Kinder“ (Breitensport) und legt den Grundstein für spätere Ballkünstler (Nachwuchsleistungssport).

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Kids Soccer Academy

Die Kids-Soccer-Academy wurde 2013 von mir ins Leben gerufen. Es ist für mich eine Herzensangelegenheit, Kindern das Fußballspielen beizubringen und sie in dem schönsten Sport der Welt zu fördern und zu fordern.

Erfahre mehr über unseren Partner "Kids Soccer Academy"


SayWay verfolgt eine Vision: Jede Organisation, die Vor-Ort in persönlichem Kontakt mit ihren Kunden steht, sollte einen kontinuierlich offenen, digitalen Feedback-Kanal anbieten – um die Zielgruppe besser zu verstehen, um die Qualität zu sichern und Kunden zu binden.

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TrustYou hat das Ziel, das Reiseerlebnis vom richtigen Hotel bis zum perfekten Aufenthalt zu optimieren. Um dies zu erreichen, kooperiert das Unternehmen mit Hotels, Destinationen und Reisewebseiten. TrustYou analysiert Hunderte Millionen von Reisebewertungen auf einem riesigen, fragmentierten Markt und wandelt diese Inhalte in aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse um und visualisiert Daten für 500.000 Hotels. 

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Die HolidayCheck AG betreibt das größte deutschsprachige Meinungsportal für Reise und Urlaub im Internet. Ihre Mission lautet dabei: "Wir helfen unseren Kunden durch relevante Informationen, hochwertigen Content und eine interaktive Community, die richtigen Unterkünfte und Aktivitäten für ihre Reise zu finden."

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Bei blueContec treffen jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im touristischen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement auf hohe Energie- und Umweltmanagementexpertise in der Tourismus- und Hotelbranche. Das Ziel ist es gemeinsam mit  ihren Kunden, nachhaltige und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Strategien zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.

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WetterOnline bietet alles zum Wetter an Ihrem Ort, das Wetter in Deutschland, die aktuelle Wetterlage und das Reisewetter weltweit. Mit dem RegenRadar lassen sich Wolken, Niederschlag, Gewitter (Blitze) und Temperaturen interaktiv für ganz Mitteleuropa praktisch in Echtzeit verfolgen.

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DER SMARTE TRAINER. Nichts motiviert so sehr wie sichtbarer Erfolg.

PIXFORMANCE – das ist das Trainingskonzept, das sich dem jeweiligen Trainingslevel anpasst. Ob Einsteiger oder Profi-Sportler. Jeder wird individuell gefördert, mit stetig steigender Anforderung und messbaren Erfolgen. Das macht den Erfolg von PIXFORMANCE aus: Begeisterte Mitglieder mit hoher Kundenbindung.

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